a href="http://www.rowdykittens.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/our-tiny-house.jpg" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Photography credit: Tammy Strobel

You’re probably aware that Sydney’s housing prices are reaching comedic levels of expensive and have more than once contemplated ejecting the entire concept of home-ownership altogether. Good news, because lately off-the-grid fantasies are no longer the dreams of kooky shut-ins or the Unabomber.

Spawned by the US 2007 economic crisis, a whole range of people (‘regular folks’ if you will) are opening their minds up to the Tiny House Movement. ‘Tiny’ being the operative word – 93 metres squared to be exact.

Think of it as more A Smoky Mountain Christmas than or anything resembling a Gypsy Wedding.

Some say this shedding of materialism is threatening to the status quo of 247.3 metre square McMansion economy America has previously been based on. The result is many city ordinances restricting Tiny Housers settling… anywhere.

Obviously the conspiracy theorists are having a field day with this. In the meantime though, watch and enjoy and let us know if you’d be able to part with stuff in exchange for the bliss of zero debt…


If you want to know more about the Tiny House movement in Australia follow Tiny Houses Australia on Facebook.

Meg & Dom

Tags: Cabins, Off The Grid, Tiny Houses

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