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A mysterious kingdom with a dark history but a brighter than bright future, there’s so much beauty and culture to discover in Cambodia.

So much so that it’s one of our must-visit destinations for any traveller. It will touch your soul and open your heart like no other country can.

But like with any emerging nation, there’s a few key tips that are handy for tourists to know before embarking on a world-expanding Cambodian odyssey.


There’s no getting around it, it’s generally bloody hot in Cambodia (except maybe for one or two nights in January at midnight). Pack only lightweight clothes, but keep in mind it can get cool if you are travelling in the northern provinces. Also, Cambodia is still a largely Buddhist country so it’s respectful to dress conservatively outside of Phnom Penh and when visiting religious and historical sites.


It goes without saying that sanitation isn’t great in Cambodia and the majority of travellers are bound to have some stomach troubles. You will get dirty and there will be germs everywhere that your body will not be used to. Hand sanitizer and tissues are some simple and cheap weapons you can use to stay healthy on your trip – carry them everywhere!

It’s worth thinking about your health before your trip because a Cambodian hospital is really not a nice place to end up. Be aware of the international clinics and pharmacies in the area and go large on the first aid kit.


US dollars are the most widely used currency in Cambodia, however most Cambodians will freak out if you try to pay in any bill larger than $10. Unhelpfully, most ATMs dispense $100 bills. After you get cash out, head straight to a big supermarket (Lucky is one of the most popular Western style supermarkets) to get change.

The local currency “Riel” is also accepted everywhere but you’ll generally just use this at the markets and for tuk tuk rides.


Khmer is the predominant ethnic group and language of Cambodia. So, somebody from Cambodia is (generally speaking) Khmer and speaks Khmer. There’s a lot to uncover about this rich ancient culture beyond Angkor Wat, and it’s worth the effort to see some of the smaller temples including those outside of Battambong.

The country’s modern history is chilling and can be at times overwhelming so consider spacing out your visits to places from the Khmer Rouge legacy like S21 (Toul Sleng) and the Killing Fields.  


Spiders, fermented fish, bugs and foetus eggs are some of the Khmer delicacies which might stun the Western palate. But don’t be deterred, there are some delicious things to try like pork and rice, Khmer noodles, and more pork and rice! If you’re a bit scared of street food look out for a BBQ restaurant that’s popular with the locals.


When you get to Cambodia a lot of the locals you meet along the way will call you Bong. Traditionally a term of respect for elders, it’s been adopted by tourists and expats and now is generally translated as friend for both men and women.


Tuk tuks are like your own person carriage waiting on every street corner. In Phnom Penh most simple trips around the city cost approximately $2. Its best to carry a map and direct your driver to the nearest landmark to make life simple, otherwise you can find yourself driving around and around the city for much longer than anticipated.

For the brave there are motorbike taxis called “moto dops” that are even cheaper – it’s well worth travelling with a helmet that meets Australian standards if you’re going to be spending a lot of time on motorbikes.  


Before travelling to Cambodia it’s worth thinking about how you will react and interact with the poverty you will experience on a daily basis during your time there. For example how do you feel about visiting an orphanage or giving money to children begging on the streets?

Check out the NGO Friends International for their tips.

Tessa Anderssen is a publicist and has lived and worked for not-for-profits in Cambodia. She’s on Instagram @tessaanderssen

You can also follow CITIZENS OF THE WORLD on Instagram @citizensoftheworld

Meg & Dom

Tags: Cambodia, Insider Tips

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